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Vantage Partners: Executive Insights

Top 3 Qualities Market Leaders Look For When Hiring Executives

Building a team of talented executives is critical to a company’s success. Without cohesive, visionary leadership, a company risks dysfunction and stagnation. At Vantage Partners, we’ve seen many successful (and unsuccessful) criteria used by companies prior to engaging an experienced executive search partner. Certain qualities stand apart from the rest that contribute to the lasting success of that executive and company. And since we love to share secrets of success with clients and companies, here are the top three qualities that all of the most successful executive hires share – and these are the ones we look for in candidates:

“As an executive search firm, we look for candidates who exceed the hard requirements – domain, experience, etc. But the soft factors such as interpersonal style, culture fit and passion are just as important.” Richard Lear, Chairman & Founder, Vantage Partners

  1. Culture: Look for shared values and styles
    Creating and maintain a strong and consistent company culture is vital. To do so, companies must ensure that every addition to the management team is a strong fit for that culture. Shared passion, style and values will hold the company culture together and provide the perfect foundation for growth and corporate harmony.
  2. Interpersonal style: How does he or she treat others?
    Time and again, our clients talk about the importance of interaction with everyone during the interview process. Whether that is a server during a lunch interview, the receptionist upon arrival, key members of the team, and your executive peers, how an executive relates to all of these people in the process is uber-important.
  3. Passion and enthusiasm: Know, and show, what drives you
    Demonstrating a passion and visible enthusiasm for the business, market or role goes a long way in the minds of the hiring CEO’s. After all, this person will be spending the majority of his or her waking hours immersed in the job and company.

So, while it’s important to look for all the usual requirements – domain, experience, etc – don’t overlook the importance of the soft factors. At the end of the day, that’s where you land that key executive who will have a lasting relationship with the company.

As a partner to high-growth and venture-funded enterprise software, consumer internet, mobile and ad technology companies, Vantage Partners collaborates with executive management teams to spearhead searches in the C-suite and at E/S/VP level in Engineering, Products, Marketing and Sales. Visit us at www.vantagesf.wpengine.com